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Original tune, Fibonacci rhythms, Fibonacci tone scapes, Polyrhythms, Alphabet seeds, Scales for layers, Seeds for layers, Permutations, Custom voices, Tempo map, Evolving play list.
This is a canon by augmentation. You can play each line of the canon in a separate part, or choose which part to play according to the number of notes played so far, position in the arpeggio, etc.
This is one of David Canright's ideas - to adapt this discovery of pure maths to generate a rhythm.
See his Fibonacci Gamelan Patterns .
The rhythm never repeats exactly at any speed, but because of it's fractal structure has a kind of regularity to it that stands in for the conventional rhythms. More exactly - each layer of the tune has long and short beats, each made up of long and short beats of the next faster layer, and it is done in such a way that each layer plays the same pattern of long and short beats, but never repeats.
Here the idea is that the pitch goes up and down depending on whether one plays the short or long beat of the fibonacci rhythm. Most choices of the intervals to go up and down by will cause the tune to rapidly drift up either and down in pitch as the tune progresses - but FTS is able to find solutions for you that will keep the overall pitch of the tune steady for hours on end.
You can make polyrhythm fractal tunes with e.g. 3 beats in one layer for every 5 beats in the next and 7 beats in the next one, or whatever, any choice of numbers you like and any number of simultaneous beats up to ten simultaneous polyrhythms or there-abouts (depending on number of beats in each one).
You can use a name, code or phrase as the seed. For instance, one can use gene fragments as the seeds. They can also be used for the volumes and timings of the notes in the seed.
These are fractal tunes in which each layer plays in a different scale, and the scales are stacked on top of each other. E.g. you could have a conventional pentatonic melody in just intonation in the second layer, and have the first part play phrases in septimal minor above each note of the melody, just by way of an example.
Each layer of ornamentation of the tune can have its own seed and these can be rotated to other layers as the tune progresses.
Various ways of permuting the seeds as the tune progresses, also reflect, rotate, reverse the rhythm, etc.
Make your own custom voices for the tunes based on midi voices - but for instance, you can double them as an oboe + flute (in unison or at any desired interval apart), or have a percussion instrument that comes in every so many notes etc.
Make a new midi voice playing the partials of another timbre. For instance, you could have glockenspiels playing all the partials of an oboe so the result sounds somewhat between an oboe and a glockenspiel.
Superimpose a tempo map on top of the tune so that it changes speed at various points as it progresses.
Record all the changes you make to the fractal tune into the tempo map too, so that the tune also changes as it progresses.
This is a tempo map made out of a sequence of several fractal tuens - like a play list, but an evolving one- each time you go round the sequence of tunes, the notes you get will depend on the notes played earlier in the tune, so they will change each time, rather than repeat exactly as they were last time around.