DRAFT: Open letter to NASA | Response to final PEIS | Fails NEPA requirements | Main points in open letter in more depth | Finding an inspiring future | Executive summary of preprint | Low risk like house fires and smoke detectors | About me | DRAFT: Endorsements by experts | Why this needs an open letter with endorsements | Call to NASA to defer or withdraw EIS | Letters | BOOK: Preprint to submit to academic publishers

Author: Robert Walker, contact email robert@robertinventor.com

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Dear public health expert
- NASA's final Environmental Impact Statement for the samples it plans to return from Mars in the 2030s
- assumes that a HEPA filter can contain 100% of particles larger than 0.05 microns.
- that human diseases have to co-evolve with humans or other complex hosts
- not aware of exceptions like tetanus and Aspergillus fumigtaus
- and assumes we can contain any Martian organism or pathogen after a lab leak
- using standard methods for a BSL-4
- not aware of lifelong symptomless carriers like Typhoid Mary
- or diseases with long latency periods like Leprosy
- or pathogens that are harmless in most microbiomes but deadly in some
- like Aspergillus fumigatus
- or the potential for alien life such as life based on mirror organics
- to set up home in the human microbiome which can't be sterilized without killing us
- please endorse that this EIS is not ready to be finalized

DRAFT: Open letter to NASA | Response to final PEIS | Fails NEPA requirements | Main points in open letter in more depth | Finding an inspiring future | Executive summary of preprint | Low risk like house fires and smoke detectors | About me | DRAFT: Endorsements by experts | Why this needs an open letter with endorsement | Call to NASA to defer or withdraw EIS | Letters | BOOK: Preprint to submit to academic publishers

Author: Robert Walker, contact email robert@robertinventor.com